Top members of Project
21.ПерейраPoints: 2
22.Bella BabrePoints: 2
Points: 2
24.Guedes JoséPoints: 2
25.Marco KPPoints: 2
Points: 2
Points: 2
Points: 2
29.Адель ГафарPoints: 2
Points: 2
Points: 2
32.Baehler AnnaPoints: 2
Points: 2
Points: 2
35.Leroy IrenePoints: 2
36.YoussefPoints: 2
Points: 2
Points: 2
Points: 2
40.da Silva LiaPoints: 2
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Project *Drawing Together*
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- Become a creative person
- Share your drawings and paintings
- Join the project of creating the Album *Drawing together, the birth of an artist*